Another New Garden Coming!

The Chair of the Board, David Scheid is once again bringing his Environmental Studies class to PHM to work in the gardens. This time they are tackling the are in the rear west corner of the grounds. This area has been overgrown with invasive plants like ivy, Virginia creeper, weeds, tree saplings, and wisteria. The Field Operations division of the City came out and cleared the entire area as much as they could and did a great job in doing so. The students were then able to come in and clear out a few more of the smaller invasive plants. This left a blank slate, which will eventually become a woodland garden. The class is all about sustainable design. The students will be designing this garden and develop what will eventually go into the area. There is enough room in the area to house a 20’x20′ educational outdoor pavilion. This has been something that PHM has wanted for a while with all the students from the envionmental studies classes and school groups that we get. An educational pavilion would allow us to expand our educational programming and even possible allow some adult educational programming about gardening. The students this year were even tasked with the opportunity to help come up with a design for the pavilion. It would be in the historic style reminiscent of the Federal Period (more than likely wooden, octagonal, with Chinese Chippendale railings). This will be a long term project, which will probably take several years and quite a bit of fundraising.